Sugarplum fairies and puppies with ribbons! Holiday season is one of the busiest times for new pets. Unfortunately, the months to follow are also very busy for animal shelters checking dogs in. Pets can bring lots of pleasure, but are also a lot of work. A puppy does not stay tiny for long…. and the inevitable jumping, nipping and chewing are often a far cry from a Norman Rockwell painting!
There are many drawbacks to giving pets as gifts. While your niece may be thrilled, your brother-in-law might not! A dog is a commitment of about 15 years, and a family needs to be truly ready for such a responsibility. There are ongoing expenses of food, vet bills, spaying/neutering and training. Daily tasks include feeding, walking, training and cleaning up after the dog.
Experience shows that families who choose their own dog are much happier with their pet. When there’s a problem, there’s no secretly ruminating “If only we’d picked him ourselves.” When responsibilities become an imposition, there are no hidden resentments. And Grandma who always loved Golden Retrievers, may not appreciate such a big dog. Perhaps she would have preferred a smaller pooch this time, if at all.
If you really have your heart set on getting a pet for someone, and you’re positive they want a dog, consider other options. How about a gift certificate for a pet supply store, professional grooming, or training? Books are another smart idea. Consider “Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies & Adult Dogs” by Lori Verni, “Good Owners, Great Dogs” by Brian Kilcommons & Sarah Wilson, or “Choosing a Shelter Dog” by Bob Christiansen.
The bottom line? Christmas is sure to bring joy and excitement. It’s up to each family to decide for themselves whether that joy should last for 15 years!

*Adult Dogs
*Teach your pet to use a designated area!
Jess@Fairday's Blog
I love the idea of giving a gift certificate to the person, so they can get their own pet. It is so heartbreaking thinking about all the pets that are given, but not wanted and then discarded. Thanks for posting this!