People Food Perils

Most people know that some foods are dangerous for dogs, such as chocolate or bones that may splinter. However, there are several other foods and items you may be unaware of that can be very harmful to dogs, including: raisins and grapes, onions, tomato leaves and stems, tobacco products, coffee grinds, and more.

While knowing that these things are dangerous for pets usually causes most people to refrain from giving them to their dog, there are some who may not realize the extent of illness or even death that can occur from ingesting even a small amount of certain foods.

In addition, there are many humans who are very careful not to give these things to their pet, but perhaps they gain access to them anyway, either by going through the kitchen trash, stealing them off the counter, or otherwise pirating the forbidden foods.

History as well as scientific studies show that ingesting even very small amounts of foods such as chocolate, grapes, and raisins can cause significant permanent liver damage in dogs. Moderate or large amounts of these items can even lead to death. Of course, the smaller the dog the more likely a problem could occur from even the smallest amount, but even very large pets can be affected easily.

In addition to dangerous foods, there are other items to avoid, which can cause intestinal blockage or puncturing. Chicken bones and other soft bones splinter easily and can cause a real problem for pets.

The best way to protect your pet is to follow a multi-step approach. Obviously, not giving the foods to your pet is a no-brainer. But you can also protect your pet through training.

Begin by making sure your pet knows the basic obedience commands of heel, sit, down, stay, and come. Use the commands as a way of life, in everyday situations… including scenarios such as scouting out the trash can or surfing the counters. If you see those behaviors, tell your pet, “no,” and follow with a “down/stay” command. Once your dog is more relaxed, be sure to give him some praise.

In addition to using obedience commands, remember that until your dog is one hundred percent trustworthy, there is no replacement for your personal supervision. And no matter how well-behaved your pet is, it is undeniably best to exercise caution by not leaving bowls of chocolate or other dangerous foods within reach as a general rule.

With a little training, supervision and paying attention to detail, we can all keep our pets healthy and safe in spite of the foods we humans enjoy.,

Follow LoriTheAuthor:
Lori is an author with 15 years of public speaking, small business consulting, and web design experience. Before that, she owned two dog training schools for 15 years in both NY and NC. Nowadays, she focuses on home renovations, real estate investing, volunteering, and some writing. She's passionate about lots of things and enjoys sharing her knowledge on a variety of will find them all here! She's also a happily married mom/stepmom of four adult kids, has three cats (all rotten), and a rescued miniature poodle named Stewart.

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